
The language of business cliches has evolved quickly since the advent of high-tech, high-growth startups.  The days of betting on the right horse have given way to the hunt for the “elusive unicorn” in Silicon Valley parlance, the next overnight success with a billion-dollar valuation. In...

Neider & Boucher Attorney, Richard M. Burnham, has announced his retirement from the practice of law. Richard has been practicing law for over 40 years and spent the last 11 at Neider & Boucher. He began his legal career as Assistant Attorney General for Alaska and then went...

The simple act of making a to-do list can be immensely satisfying.  Actually doing those tasks and checking them off/crossing them out/tearing them to shreds is pretty fun, too.  The following list “ admittedly the creation of lawyers and therefore too wordy (hence that œAnnotated part) “...

(Madison, WI) “ Wisconsin Super Lawyers® named two Neider & Boucher Attorneys to its 2015 list of honorees. 2015 Wisconsin Super Lawyers: Joseph W. Boucher (Business/Corporate, Tax and Closely Held Business) Charles E. Neider (Business/Corporate,Tax: Business) Super Lawyers is a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have...