Attorney Articles

The language of business cliches has evolved quickly since the advent of high-tech, high-growth startups.  The days of betting on the right horse have given way to the hunt for the “elusive unicorn” in Silicon Valley parlance, the next overnight success with a billion-dollar valuation. In...

This post continues the list we started a while back, and contains three more tips for entrepreneurs looking to create, expand and ultimately trade their small businesses for mountains of cash.  To refresh the reader: items #1-3 on the list included some very macro-level business...

The simple act of making a to-do list can be immensely satisfying.  Actually doing those tasks and checking them off/crossing them out/tearing them to shreds is pretty fun, too.  The following list “ admittedly the creation of lawyers and therefore too wordy (hence that œAnnotated part) “...

Are you a startup trying to raise money, but have a real aversion to debt instruments?  Or maybe an investor who doesn’t want your original cash back under any circumstances?  If so, then Y Combinator, the highly regarded seed accelerator whose stable of startup thoroughbreds...

The issue of misclassifying employees as independent contractors has been simmering for a while now.  Startups and established companies alike have had to take a hard look at their employment structures in light of recent high-profile litigation (*cough* Uber *cough*) and the U.S. Department of...

In the last twenty years, business owners and the attorneys who love them have both touted the limited liability company (LLC) entity as a flexible, tax-advantageous alternative to the traditional corporate model, and criticized it as an anemic younger sibling of the once and future...

Co authored by Attorney Joe Boucher In the first part of this post, we suggested that entrepreneurs look outside their own tightly-knit circles of founders and co-strugglers to include outside advisors in the startup process.  To recap, Part 1 contained the œWhy: outsiders bring experience, fresh perspective...