Attorney Joe Boucher Presenting at Forward Fest August 19th

Attorney Joe Boucher Presenting at Forward Fest August 19th

On April 15, 2022, Act 258 was signed by Governor Evers which updates every Wisconsin business entity statute. In particular, the limited partnership and limited liability company laws underwent significant changes. Co-hosted by law firms Neider & Boucher, S.C. and Quarles & Brady LLP, this timely presentation will focus on the changes made to the limited liability company law, but will also touch upon some the updates made to the other business entity laws. The moderator will be Quarles & Brady Attorney Willie Boucher, a business law attorney who represents companies throughout all stages of their lifecycles. He will guide a discussion between Attorney Joe Boucher, co-founder and shareholder of Neider & Boucher, S.C., and Attorney Drew Parrish, Assistant General Counsel of Compeer Financial. Joe Boucher brings valuable insights as a member of the state bar committee which recently drafted Act 258 and also Chaired the committee which drafted the original Wisconsin limited liability law. Drew Parrish is the most immediate past Chair of the Business Law Section of the State Bar of Wisconsin, through which he was instrumental in the drafting, analysis, and passage of Act 258.  For more information and to register for the sessions, please click on the following link:

When:  Friday, August 19, 2022 from 11:00AM to 12:00PM

Where:  Quarles & Brady – Madison Office

33 East Main Street, Suite 900, Madison WI