18 May For Wisconsin residents with dependent children under the age of 18, $100 rebate per child available NOW – July 2, 2018:
For Wisconsin residents with dependent children under the age of 18, $100 per child available NOW – July 2, 2018:
A Child Sales Tax Rebate was authorized by Governor Walker and the State Legislature in January. Claim submissions are being accepted now through July 2, 2018. There is a $100 rebate, per child, for “sales and use tax paid on purchases made for raising a dependent child in 2017.” (Dependents born in 2018 are not qualified).
Claims are submitted online through the Wisconsin Department of Revenue website, https://www.childtaxrebate.wi.gov/. You will need each child’s DOB and SSN for the claim form, as well as your bank account and routing numbers if you choose direct deposit, or you can choose to have a check mailed to your home address. Those who file a claim can expect a check or electronic bank deposit later this summer.
Filing start date: May 15, 2018 Filing deadline: July 2, 2018 Claimant Eligibility
Qualified Child Eligibility
Child must be:
*Dependent is determined using guidance described in IRS Publication 501, regardless of whether the claimant files a 2017 federal income tax return. |
What You Need to File Your Claim